Thursday, September 10, 2009


Really tired (as usual for late morning and early afternoon). BREAKTHROUGH - I just had my first long dream after my 1:30pm. As far as it being extremely vivid, I wouldn't say that, but I do recall some very minute (even trivial) details. Also, I would say it was several dreams or at least scenes. When I woke up, I didn't instantly remember them...I just knew I had a dream. I had to sit down and think about what I was dreaming about, and then it finally started flooding in piecemeal. I finally broke out a notebook to make some notes on the dream, as I know this is good practice for lucid dreaming, of which I am interested in. I very rarely remember my dreams on monophasic schedule (maybe a few dreams a year), so this is big for me.

I did not, dissappointingly get the super refreshed feeling that others speak about after having dreams, although I did get going a little faster than normal. As I thought about the dreams, it occurred to me that 20 minutes was an awfully short time to experience all of those dreams...I would have guessed maybe a couple of hours to dream what I did. So that was cool. Just wish I could have felt that way as soon as I got up.

One possible reason for the dreams this time around is that I crashed during my 5 min "get relaxed and sleepy time" before the official 20min nap. Usually I read or just chill until it's time. I am going to try 25min naps to see if that makes a difference in my dreaming.

I'm looking forward to the evening, where I start feeling totally energized.

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